What is presented in this is not a topic-by-topic review of what is already known but rather; it pulls together what is already known and combines this information with fresh new insights with a singular focus. Angel Communication Code establishes the common thread leading to a new way to establish 2-way Extraterrestrial Communication. This presentation is unique and has never before been conceived or put to the test.
For the past decade, Stephen J. Silva has been conducting research and studying the science of extraterrestrial existence and extraterrestrial communication means and methods. The result of all of the research in combination with the dream-like vision of an extraterrestrial communication code has culminated into the publication of two books on the subject. This book is the second. The vision came to the author is very much the same sort of vision several Nobel Prize winning scientist experienced leading to their discoveries.
Other Book/s
Building upon the groundwork laid in his debut book, “Extraterrestrial Communication Code,” Silva’s latest offering introduces fresh insights supporting the theory that an extraterrestrial code exists, awaiting discovery and interpretation by humanity. This code, he posits, holds the key to establishing bilateral communication between Earth and intelligent life forms elsewhere in the cosmos, with references to angelic and biblical influences in its creation.
Silva’s perspective on decoding messages from extraterrestrial beings is not novel; however, his approach offers a unique angle to an ancient enigma. Rather than debating the existence of extraterrestrial life, his focus lies on facilitating two-way communication with these beings. The book presents a groundbreaking exploration of theories, discoveries, and experimental proposals, examining the purported role of angels and biblical entities in depositing a cipher intended for a specific purpose.
In contrast to interpretations of biblical prophecies or numerological analyses of angelic messages, Silva emphasizes empirical evidence and rigorous analysis. His objective is clear: to uncover a tangible code or cipher left by angels, extraterrestrials, or both, guiding humanity towards establishing communication with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Silva articulates, “Our quest to explore beyond the horizon is inherent to human nature. To surmount the obstacle of extraterrestrial communication, we must adopt a fresh perspective. This book may hold the key to achieving real-time contact with extraterrestrial entities within our lifetime. By embracing a new approach, we stand to gain immeasurably, adhering to the principles of the scientific method.”
In essence, Silva’s work beckons readers to embrace a paradigm shift in their pursuit of extraterrestrial communication, urging them to explore uncharted territories and embrace innovation in the quest for cosmic connection.